Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Zone Diet

What if I don't need to lose weight?
Weight loss is only one of many reasons to eat in the Zone. There are countless other benefits associated with the Zone, such as improved health, greater energy, and better mental clarity.

What is the average weight loss?
The average dieter may lose approximately 8 to 10 pounds per month.

How long before I can expect results?
Many Zone dieters report higher levels of energy and a significant decrease in hunger and fatigue within the first five days. In the first week, you may lose up to 4 lbs. of water weight and body fat. Although everyone is different, most people lose approximately 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. of body fat each week thereafter. It is important to remember that "weight loss" should not be your primary objective; rather loss of body fat should become your goal. You can tell you are accomplishing fat loss by the second week when your clothes should start to fit more loosely.

What if I have high cholesterol?
High cholesterol, in contrast to popular belief, is not a result of eating foods high in cholesterol. This soft waxy substance is essential to brain chemistry, memory, and necessary to form cell membranes, hormones and other tissues of the body. Cholesterol has gotten a bad rap through the years. But it is only harmful when it becomes plaque; a thick, hard coating that builds up in the arterial walls. The cause of the build up is not dietary cholesterol, rather the intake of unfavorable carbohydrates that initiate insulin, a pro-inflammatory hormone that causes a cascade of reactions eventually leading to arterial damage.

What if I have diabetes?
The Zone Diet is actually a wellness as well as a weight loss program. It was originally developed to help people with diabetes and heart disease. The Zone is the perfect diet for someone with Type II diabetes. The number of Americans with Type II diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate. Accompanying this issue is low HDL's, hypertension, and high triglycerides, all risk factors to heart disease. Zone Diet addresses all of these and is the answer to better health because it corrects elevated insulin levels. Type I diabetes sufferers will also benefit from Zone Diet, however as with all diet programs, you are requested to see your physician regularly and adjust all medications accordingly.

What if I'm pregnant or nursing?
Most doctors recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers eat a well-balanced diet, increasing their food intake by about 25-30%, which would translate to consuming an "extra" block of protein carbohydrate and fat at each meal. It is recommended that you eliminate difficult to digest and gassy foods during pregnancy.

What if I'm on medication?
We encourage you to see your physician before making any dietary changes. You may, in fact, need to lower the dosage of certain drugs as you reach your wellness and weight loss goals. Certain medications actually increase insulin levels, "sabotaging" your weight loss efforts. Talk to your doctor about drugs that may have less deleterious effects on insulin. Never make any changes without consulting your physician for advice.

Should I eat three meals and two snacks even if I am not hungry?
Absolutely YES! The Zone is all about the hormonal responses to food. Think of food as a drug. Your body needs to process this "drug" in a particular way in order for you to attain your weight loss goals. Not being hungry is a great indicator that you are losing body fat and getting into "the Zone". Another important rule is to always eat breakfast within an hour of waking.

What if I'm not hungry?
Keep an appointment with food; it's all in the planning! Since a Zone meal “regulates" your body's response to insulin, you must eat on a regular basis. Although everyone is different, a Zone meal should stave off hunger for approximately 4-5 hours, a snack, approximately 2 hours. Remember to eat your 3 meals and 2 snacks no matter what. Not being hungry indicates that you are accomplishing your goals and losing body fat.

Should I take supplements?
Yes! In order to survive and maintain health, we all need to consume foods abundant in essential nutrients. We need to eat foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants, photochemical and minerals. Unfortunately, the modern food supply is often devoid of these sources of life due to processing, poor farming practices, the use of pesticides and other damaging chemicals, polluted air and water. There is no doubt that there is a direct relationship between the composition of the food we consume and the composition of our body. Because it is basically impossible to get what we need to be healthy from today's food supply, we all need to increase our nutrient intake through vitamins and other supplements.

Should I eat before working out in the gym?
Definitely! Eating a Zone snack 30 minutes before working out assures that you will access the hormonal benefits of being in the Zone, which means that you will burn body fat, which is essential to weight loss. Aerobic exercise reduces insulin levels, the key to getting trimmer. Anaerobic exercise builds strong muscles. Muscles are a more metabolically active tissue than fat. Even if the scale doesn't move, your clothes will fit better and you will look and feel better. Exercise is an important component to helping you achieve your goals and we highly encourage it. Just remember to start: off slowly and build from there to avoid injury.

Is it ok to eat rice, bagels or pasta ever again?
Of course! What makes the Zone Diet so wonderful is that no foods are excluded. However, when consuming carbohydrates, the best choice is always vegetables and fruits, which are loaded with vitamins and nutrients. All carbohydrates are composed of sugar. Rice, bagels, pasta and sweets have lots more sugar (called the glycemic index) than the more beneficial carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruits. Another point worth making is that many people do not digest grain based foods well and often find that the results of eating these foods are bloating and other digestive disorders. When choosing the grains and other starchy foods, consume very small amounts.

Isn't having 30% fat in my diet too much?
One of the greatest medical myths of the past half-century, especially the last 20 years, is that fats are evil. Fats (more properly referred to as lipids) are essential to good health. Now, some fats are better than others, and no one is encouraging you to eat saturated or hydrogenated fats. However, never make the mistake of lumping all fats together into one negative grouping. Good fats, especially monounsaturated fats, actually have significant health benefits. Contrary to present thinking, it takes dietary fat to burn body fat. Fat actually slows the entry of carbohydrates into the blood stream and are responsible for initiating certain hormones that give you a sense of satisfaction and signal you to stop eating. Some of the fattest people on earth are the ones who try to eat '"fat free!"

Should I be concerned about calories?
The Zone is not about calories. It is about the hormonal response to food. Being in "the Zone" means you're not hungry and not craving, even though it may appear at first to be a low-calorie diet. Women who diet in the Zone should consume 1100-1200 calories daily while men should consume 1400-1600 calories per day. But because blood sugar levels are balanced, if you are like most people, you will be enjoying greater energy levels, less fatigue, the ability to think more clearly, and fewer cravings while attaining your weight loss goals.

Will I gain weight back once I complete the program?
A diet is something you can go off and on. We prefer to think of the Zone Diet as a lifestyle, which teaches you new habits and a new way of looking at (eating!) food. We encourage people to maintain the diet on their own by using what we call the eyeball method.

Can I drink milk if I’m concerned about calcium?
Another unfortunate food myth is that milk is the perfect food. Well, it might just be if you're a 300 lb. calf! In reality, the majority of the world's population finds it quit difficult to digest milk. Most of us do not have the enzymes necessary to “break down" milk. We often refer to this as "lactose intolerance." Calcium is important in the formation of strong bones and teeth, in the maintenance of a regular heartbeat, and in the transmission of nerve impulses. It has even proven to be important in preventing colon cancer. This much-needed mineral can be found in lots of the good foods, especially green leafy vegetables. For added insurance, it is always best to include a calcium supplement in your vitamin regimen.

When do I eat?
It has often been said that timing is everything! If you think of food as a drug, you'll begin to understand how important it is to regulate your body's use of macronutrients - proteins, carbohydrates and fats - throughout the day. A Zone Diet meal should keep your blood sugar regulated for approximately 4 to 5 hours, a snack about 2 hours. By eating on a "regular" basis; 3 meals and 2 snacks each day, you will control insulin and lose body fat Always eat your Zone breakfast within an hour of rising and schedule your remaining meals accordingly. Also, remember to eat before you become hungry.

What can I drink?
Water should always be your beverage of choice. Burning fat is a very dehydrating process, which is why constipation is often a complaint when starting the program. Drinking lots of water is important. Juices are loaded with sugar and should be avoided. By adding a bit of sparkling water you can learn to wean yourself off juice by slowly changing the ratio to more water than juice and retraining your taste buds until you've readjusted to drinking only water.

Can I drink alcohol?
Alcoholic drinks are derived from grains or fruits. They are high glycemic, high-sugared carbohydrates. Alcohol increases insulin levels, which sabotages your weight loss efforts. Think of a 4 oz glass of wine, a bottle of beer or 1½ oz of liquor as one block. That means that if you're a male, consuming 4 blocks of carbohydrates (36-40 grams) at a meal you would need to eat one block less of carbohydrates in order to have that drink at that meal. There are many inconsistent reports coming out of the scientific community regarding alcohol consumption. Some studies show that alcohol is toxic to the cells, accelerates the aging process and has been linked to breast cancer. Other data show alcohol to be heart friendly (in small amounts). If you don't drink, don't start now. If you do, always drink in moderation.

Can I drink coffee?
Coffee contains caffeine and caffeine is a stimulant, which causes insulin resistance. If you must drink coffee, it is best to drink water-processed decaffeinated coffee. And remember, if you add milk or half-and-half to your coffee, you are adding a few extra carbohydrates to your daily intake.

What about artificial sweeteners and diet soda?
Although artificial sweeteners advertise that they have only one calorie, they stimulate carbohydrate cravings, which sabotage your program. Remember, the Zone is not about calories; it's about the hormonal response to food. Aspartame has been linked to headaches, dizziness, anxiety and depression. Diet soda contains artificial sweeteners along with high levels of phosphorous, which interferes with calcium absorption. Calcium depletion has been associated with osteoporosis (bone loss). It is best to cut out the soda.

source : http://www.zonedietinfo.com/zone-diet.htm